Where Community Meets Faith: Our Story

The Birth of 'Crackers and Socks'

Our mission with 'Adopt A Block' was simple at heart…

We began by nurturing our neighborhood, greeting everyone with smiles and open arms while tidying our streets by literally picking up trash and stuffing it into garbage bags.

From our small acts, big impacts followed. 

Our duo grew, welcoming more souls into our mission. 

As if guided by the echoes of laughter and the bonds of friendship, the children from around the community couldn't help but join in the joy.

Then on a seemingly ordinary Monday afternoon, two children whom we call E and K walked alongside us — myself, Ben, and Leon — we were all buzzing with the usual excitement of a Bible lesson followed by an interactive game. 

As I normally do with all kids, I offered them a choice between candy or a toy from our wagon. 

Their response, however, was anything but expected…

 'Do you have any socks?' E asked, a hint of earnestness in her voice. K's request was equally simple, 'Any packs of crackers?

And there it was — the birth of 'Crackers and Socks.' 

Their innocent requests, socks for E and crackers for K, echoed louder than any sermon. Our mission found its heart.

A commitment to cater not just to the spiritual, but also to the physical needs of our community.

The Chance Meeting That Started It All…

In the tapestry of life, it's often the unexpected threads that add the most vibrant colors. 

My story, the genesis of our community initiative, began on an ordinary Sunday with an extraordinary encounter. 

I slid into a pew next to a lone attendee — a practice I've always held dear, believing in the silent strength of companionship. 

As the service concluded, the air buzzed with a palpable energy, a divine nudge prompting us to introduce ourselves. That's when Jenny and I met, unknowingly, the first page of our mission was written.

Our spirits clicked like long-lost friends and we shared our mutual passion for missions. 

A few heart-to-hearts later, the concept of 'Adopt A Block' tumbled into our conversation. 

I shared my vision but confessed my hesitance — it was a path I couldn’t walk alone. Jenny, inspired and ready, didn’t hesitate. 

By the following Wednesday in January 2022, 'Adopt A Block' took its first breath, marking the beginning of an unexpected journey.

Our Mission Today and Your Invitation

Today, the seeds sown from that divine meeting and a simple request for crackers and socks have blossomed into a sanctuary of faith, support, and love. We stand as a testament to the power of community, of shared dreams, and of the profound impacts of seemingly small acts.

Our mission has evolved, but our core remains unchanged…

To bridge the spiritual gap, fostering a haven where individuals and families can cultivate a profound connection with Jesus Christ. 

But our vision stretches further; we recognize the necessity to nourish the body and soul alike. Through our short-term missions, Bible scholarships, and community-centric events like the Mega Sports Saturday, we strive to ignite a lifelong passion for faith, service, and communal connection.

Yet, this tapestry of love and salvation we're weaving is far from complete. We envision a future where no one is spiritually adrift, where the teachings of Christ are not just lessons but a lifestyle. 

And for this, we extend our hands to you. 

Join us in this divine journey. Contribute your thread to this ever-growing tapestry. 

Together, let's create a world where faith thrives, hope is tangible, and love governs every interaction.

Your journey with us starts here, today. Will you take this step?

Meet the Team

  • Rev. Gina Siberon


    Gina is a Licensed Minister and US Missions Associate. She obtained her MA in Organizational Leadership and BA in Biblical and Theological studies from Regent University. She obtained a Certificate in Mental Health Coaching Skills from Light University. Gina is currently the Director of the Missions Department and Bible School at her church. She also leads the Adopt A Block ministry in a few communities in Kissimmee. Her passion is sharing the “good news,” teaching and gardening.

  • Rev. Sheila Kimball


    Ordained with World Ministry Fellowship. She serves with her husband Don as a State Director for WMF for the States of CT, RI, and ME and serves on the WMF Women’s Executive Board. Sheila also ministers in music and in the Word for Devotionals at Bethel Church in Guilford, CT. Sheila also is the NE Region National Area Leader as well as the Partner Engagement Specialist for the National Day of Prayer Task Force where she is on staff.

  • Donald Kimball, Jr.


    Ordained with World Ministry Fellowship. He serves as a State Director for WMF with his wife Sheila Kimball for the States of CT, RI, and ME and serves on the WMF Executive Board. Donald also ministers in the Word at Bethel Church in Guilford, CT. Don also works in Research for a Nutraceutical Company in CT.

  • Jenny Sanchez


    Jenny holds a Masters in HR and a BA in international Studies. She’s an amazing freelance copywriter and an advocate for Jesus’ love. She co-founded 'Adopt a Block Ministries' at the local church, channeling her talents to support the ministry's mission. With a deep passion for writing and helping others, she is also on the path to becoming a licensed minister. In her leisure time, Jenny enjoys the beach, connecting with nature, teaching, and gardening.

  • Leon Burke


    I have been a member of one church for the last 45 years and retired since 1995. I am 85 years old, but actively serve God. Currently, I volunteer for crackers and socks block ministry every Monday by giving a short Bible story to the children. One day I want to hear God say, “well done good and faithful servant.” That is the goal of my life.

  • Benjamin Clark


    On Mondays I join up with the team and help minister to the kids in our local neighborhoods and also share food, clothes, and the Gospel with the homeless too! Since the age of four, I’ve been following Christ and growing in my spiritual walk. I’ve always loved being around people, and having the opportunity to minister to them is such a joy and a blessing to me! As for things I also like to do, I could name a few! For instance, I’m somewhat of a Lego enthusiast, I collect die-cast cars, I do a little bit of writing for fun and I never miss an opportunity to hang out and play games with friends.

Here’s how you can go from a simple hello to joining a symphony of hearts building a community canvas!